Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our Weekly Wrap Up March #4

Another great week for us. Even though I wish I would've worked a bit more with Cheetah Racer and his "Hooked on Phonics" but other then that it was a good week. On Monday we finished our Rainforest Notebook.

For Social Studies this week we worked on Story of the World and learned about the Sumerians, Sumer and Sargon. We also started a timeline where Leap Creature chooses a picture that helps him remember each Section in the historic timeline and writes one sentence about it, this way I have a little proof that he did learn something.
I don't know where I was during my History class but everything I'm reading with Leap Creature in his History Lessons is new to me!

For Language Arts we usually do cursive writing 2x/week and Grammar 2x/week and he'd read me a book daily (more or less) which is followed by either's Quiz or me questioning him about the book.

For Math we practiced the commutative Properties,

made numbers with 1, 10, 100 & 1000

and made Patterns.

Today he had school. He attends Science, Writing, Math, Arts and Computer class. After School he had his best friend come over until it was time for his Sports Class.

What's left to say.. Have a great Weekend,


  1. We use Right Start as well. We've used it for a number of years now. The kids are doing very well with it! ;) Love the notebook you posted. I find those work so well for getting information to stick. :)

  2. Thank you for stopping by Cindy, I mentioned on another post that it's always so reassuring to hear that someone is using the same curriculum as us and that it's really good specially since RS Math uses quiet a different approach. I also like Lap-/Notebooking a lot like you said it's a fun way for them to remember what they've learned.
